Today I spoke to Issa on the phone- some day we will meet. More prom dresses. I learned a little bit about power packs and the lighting set-up. Issa had me call Time Cycle, a courier service, to come pick up a cake and deliver it to Philadelphia Magazine. It was from the wedding shoot. I also put some fabric in Trevor's car for her. Charlie helped get it down from a high shelf in the storage area and was showered with glitter after a brilliant suggestion by me involving a mop. There is glitter everywhere. The wedding shoot had furniture and small trees covered in glitter and it does not want to leave.
Today was pretty repetitive as well. Friday's called me so I must leave a little early to go hostess. Awesome.
Casey Cosgrove, Intern... and hostess.
Ps- here's some photos.

Trevor's Hasselblad

Some dress...

Same dress, with computer view-- all the images come up there after they're shot.
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